Pickup / Curbside / Delivery by Express Orders

Pickup Delivery and Curbside - Express Orders

Pickup / Curbside / Delivery by Express Orders

Even before the pandemic hit, many restaurants had started to change their models to adapt to new consumer habits, such as online ordering and delivery. Most of them, however, were quick service restaurants (QSR). But with Covid, even the most conservative in-dining restaurants had to adopt new tech tools and join the digital transformation trend.

One of the biggest model changes for these restaurants was the adoption of take-out, curbside pick-up, and delivery. They had to adapt not only their physical space and accessibility, but also their people, processes, and technology to the new reality. Many of them had to build websites and find new ways to stay connected with their customers and keep them engaged.

Statistics indicate that 53 percent of adults consider that ordering online or ordering food at home is part of their daily lives. That means that the new consumer habits are here to stay. Even though some restaurants are already at pre-Covid revenue levels, and some even higher, a significant part of their revenue will continue to come from online and/or phone orders.

Consumers will continue to use websites and mobile apps to place orders, and some will prefer to pick up food while others will want it delivered. Restaurants must have all options available for post-Covid consumers. Fortunately, delivery companies have also adapted their models and reduced their fees. However, it is still very important for restaurants to keep control of their own branding and customer experience. With delivery companies, restaurants just get orders. Restaurants do not know who the consumers are, and they certainly do not know how their food looks and tastes like when it gets delivered. 

Express Orders offers restaurants the possibility of receiving online orders for take-out and curbside pickup from three different sources: 1) the restaurant's website, 2) the expressorders.com site, and 3) the expressorders mobile app (iOS and Android). For customers who want delivery, it is up to the restaurant to decide if they deliver themselves or if they use a third party supplier. One of the great advantages of using platforms like Express Orders, is that the restaurants retain control about knowing who their customers are and how their food gets delivered.

by Express Orders.


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