Tag: increase revenue

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Mobile apps are coming back as a powerful tool for restaurants - by Express Orders

By Express Orders Mobile Apps - express orders

People stopped downloading apps because every business wanted to have one and many of them did not have useful functionality, plus they consumed a significant amount of the mobile devices’ memory.The...

New processes and tech tools are vital for restaurants in a post Covid era - by Express Orders

In times of pandemic, we have been adapting to the new changes that COVID-19 has brought with it, from the implementation of the use of masks to social distancing. This has allowed us to re-asses how...

Little Caesars’ COVID Success Could Lead to Growth Boom

By Express Orders brand success

True to its famous tagline, Little Caesars entered the COVID-19 pandemic hot and ready, says Chief Innovation Officer Ed Gleich.Three years ago, the brand introduced what it calls “Reserve-N-Ready,” w...